Saturday, July 14, 2007

Man, if only I had a billion dollars. . .

. . . I could get away with murder like Bechtel.

Having worked as a laborer for most of my adult life (the exception being a summer spent in the blissful air conditioning of the University Library) let me tell you, if you screw up a couple times, you're gonna get yelled at. Do it again and you get thrown off the work site. And I've never heard of a company getting out of responsibility for all the defects in its contracted work as part of a deal to avoid criminal charges. But then, I guess I never had $1,000,000,000 to throw around (of course, it's just 1/15th of the total cost of the Bechtel contract) after someone died from my shoddy work. Incidentally, we now know what a human life is worth to a multinational corporation (at least when they fear prosecution).

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